Normandus, Menander
Born 1243 AV; 33rd
Archon of Quintilia;
c. 1294
Menander Crocus Normandus III was born into an observant Maternist family in the east side of Elysian City. As a young boy he was a keen student and he eventually received a law degree at de Monte college at 21 years of age. After practicing as a lawyer for 24 years, he began running for district attorney of Elysian City as an independent, which he won by a narrow margin. His tenure as district attorney proved him as a popular socialite, which inspired him to higher political office after his reelection in 1292. He ran for governor of Elysian province four years later under the Benevolist banner against the Domist incumbent Alec de Gaio. In this effort, he failed. However, following the Pennypaper corruption scandal of 1294 which provoked de Gaio into resignation, Normandus handily won the 1296 gubernatorial election against de Gaio’s successor Laurent de Naso. Normandus’ subsequent time as governor was marked by minor economic growth in the province, along with a reduced crime rate. Despite this, in his third year as governor, riots broke out in his official residence following allegations of widespread embezzlement and cronyism which were egged on by the Revolution 1000 movement, commonly known as R1K. The allegations ultimately proved meritless before the superior court and the instigators were captured and brought to justice. Immediately after his single 4-year term as governor, Normandus announced his candidacy for archon of Quintilia. His electoral campaign was noted for its tactical use of propaganda, fearmongering, and the big lie. Although he is considered to have lost both archonal debates against his opponent Horace Taxo from the Domist party, he roundly won the election in the end. He ascended to the archonship in 1301. He is the first Maternist archon as well as the eldest among all of his predecessors.